Practitioners of Taoism believe their spirits live on after death and are part of the continuous process of Tao. As such, the concept of an afterlife does not exist within the religion. Due to this belief, the customs and rites of a Taoist funeral service differ from what many may be familiar with from other memorials, like a Buddhist or Christian funeral.
Despite these differences, the customs and rites of Taoism remain sacred, and guests must follow the proper funeral etiquette when attending the service. So it is essential for you to familiarise yourself with the traditions and rituals if you are invited to a Taoist funeral by a close friend or relative to avoid disrespecting the departed and the bereaved family.
The preparation of the body for the funeral
Upon death, the body is transferred to a funeral parlour, where the morticians will prepare the departed for the funeral service. After cleaning the body with a wet towel dusted with talcum powder, the deceased is dressed in their best attire, typically in shades of black, white, brown, or blue.
Those who have passed a specific age and are blessed with an abundance of offspring will be adorned with a set of unique clothes – termed 寿衣 – with seven layers to keep them warm after death. Red is forbidden, as it is the colour of life. Many Taoists believe the presence of red can cause the departed’s spirit to turn into a ghost.
Taoist funeral customs and rites

> Source: South China Morning Post
During the funeral, a picture of the departed sits in front of the casket, with joss sticks and candles placed around the altar for friends and family to offer their prayers and respect. The departed’s favourite foods will also be displayed as an offering.
Despite viewing death as a natural part of life, Taoists still believe a negative aura surrounds death. As such, the funeral service must be carefully managed through rituals. For example, reflective surfaces are forbidden during the funeral service, as practitioners believe that seeing the reflection of the departed will result in another death.
Generally, the service is attended by at least one, if not two, Taoist priests, who will lead the congregation in the various rituals and chanting of the Taoist scriptures. The chants are believed to keep the spirit of the departed, the bereaved family, and guests safe and protected from harm. As a guest, here is what to expect during the service.
1. Summoning of the soul
During this ritual, the bereaved family is directed to call out the departed’s name in the hopes of returning the soul to the body so that their loved one might be resurrected.
2. Ritual cleansing
This practice of acquiring water from the Earth deity is usually fulfilled by the elder son, symbolising the act of letting go of any earthly attachments. The aim is to cleanse the departed’s soul and allow them to start their next incarnation with a clean slate. Please note that this ritual may not apply to specific dialects and sects.
3. Burning of paper beside the coffin
The burning of joss paper – known as “ghost money” – is an integral part of the Taoist funeral procession. Guests are expected to support the ritual by burning joss paper money and other luxurious items made from joss paper, such as houses and clothes.
4. Chanting
Drums and various other musical instruments are present during the Taoist funeral to support the chanting of the scriptures. The bereaved family and guests are encouraged to grieve as loudly as possible to display filial piety and love for the departed. As part of the ritual, one of the priests will circle a fire containing nine tiles and break each tile with a sword. This process signifies the freeing of the soul from the nine levels of the underworld.
Besides these prescribed rituals, guests should note several taboo actions to avoid during the procession. After everyone has paid their respects, the coffin will be nailed shut, with white and yellow papers affixed to the coffin before being placed outside. One must look away during this process as it is taboo to stare. Guests and the bereaved family must again look away during the burial as the body is lowered into the ground.
We hope what we shared has provided an idea of what to expect when attending a Taoist funeral service in Singapore. With various customs and etiquette to follow, it is essential for you to be familiar with and adhere to them strictly to ensure you pay proper respect to the departed.
If you are placed in charge of arranging a Taoist funeral but remain unsure of how to proceed, please seek the advice of an experienced funeral director. At Excellence Funeral Services, we strive to provide professional and compassionate assistance to bereaved families during this trying time. Contact us to learn more about our Taoist funeral package.